Interested In Joining Us?
ear Prospective Member,
Many thanks for your interest in joining Durham Central Park Cohousing! We are providing this information to help you learn about Durham Cohousing, and to ensure a good fit between you and our community of members. We want you to understand the opportunities and expectations that come with being a Durham Coho member, and to help you make an informed choice about joining our very special community.
The following is a list of things you can do to learn more about living in Durham Coho.
Visit these web pages
Visit with us
Tour Durham Cohousing: even if you have attended one of our Open House events, learning more about how we function is eye opening.
Talk with the seller about the condo for sale, and about the community.
Ask if you can join one of our gatherings, including Happy Hour and Community Meals, or roll up your sleeves and participate in our semi-annual work day.
Read our important documents
Expectations, decision making, and values that guide our living in cohousing.
Legal documents
Official documents that reflect our organization as a North Carolina condominium association.
Talk with us
These questions may prompt reflection and conversation:
Living in community is an important part of our lives. Is this something you look forward to?
Do you have any questions about our Community Values and Principles and do you find them acceptable?
Do you understand our Member Expectations, including the expectation that everyone contributes to keeping our community strong and maintaining our building and gardens?
What are your expectations of our community?
What skills or interests would you enjoy contributing to Durham Cohousing?
Do you understand our Shared Governance structure and Consensus Process? Do you understand that cohousing is a participatory process?
Do you have concerns or limitations you would like to share?
Learn about our finances
Our homeowner dues
Our monthly homeowner dues cover all utility expenses, building insurance, reserve fund, facility maintenance and repairs, common space cleaning, community activities (annual retreat, kitchen supplies, landscaping, etc), wifi and cable services, and more. Each year we, together, agree on an annual budget that drives our HOA dues. These dues are calculated based on how many people reside in a condo, and the square footage.
Our reserve fund
We are proud to steward a capital reserve fund that we can access as building systems and features need replacing. Our aim is to sustain strong building systems, and to avoid “special assessments.”
We are happy to provide more details on our finances to those who are considering becoming a member. Contact us to request more information.